October 1, 2024

Gratitude Booklet

Stressed? Overwhelmed? Feeling like a bag of jellybeans ready to burst?

Welcome to the Mojo's Gratitude Coloring Booklet —lets help you turn stress into a colorful, artistic escape over this weekend! If your schedule looks like a jigsaw puzzle from another dimension and your to-do list is longer than your grocery receipts, it’s time to step back and color your way to zen!

In a land filled with deadlines, never-ending emails, and relentless “Can you just...?” requests, you—a fabulous, creative, slightly frazzled creative spirit—decided enough was enough. Your brain felt like scrambled eggs, your hands were itching for something other than typing on a keyboard, and your creative soul? Well, she was waving at you from the Canadian side of Niagara Falls.

You needed a ceremony—not one with candles and chanting (unless you're into that, then totally do it)—but one that lets you reset, refocus, and reconnect with your creative energy. Enter this magical little Gratitude Coloring Booklet.

Why Bother?

Because science says so! Hand-mind exercises, like coloring, help calm your racing thoughts, activate your sensory cortex, and can even spark some "alpha" cool brain waves. And guess what? Ancient Wiccans and Pagans knew the secret to stress relief long before we had apps for everything. They practiced gratitude ceremonies—taking time to thank the elements, nature, and themselves (high five, ancient humans!).

Coloring can be YOUR modern ceremony. All you need is some color pencils, chalk, or watercolors, and this awesome booklet to start your very own Zen-tastic weekend!

Ready for your Stress-Busting, Mini Ceremony?

Follow these 5 super fun and easy steps:

  1. Set the Mood: Light a candle or incense and take a deep breath. You've earned this moment. Grab your favorite colors—we're not here for perfection, we're here for fun.
  2. Create Your Zen Den: Find a cozy spot (preferably far away from anything that looks like work...unless your an artist) and lay out your coloring tools. A little music, maybe some soft lighting... tadahhh!.. instant art studio of bliss.
  3. Ground Yourself: Before diving in, do a quick grounding exercise. No yoga poses required, just imagine roots growing from your feet into the earth, anchoring you to some serious calm vibes.
  4. Color Like You Mean It: Let your hands do the talking. Whether you’re swirling watercolors or scribbling with chalk, let the colors flow. Don’t overthink it—just color your stress away one stroke at a time.
  5. Admire Your Art... and Your Sanity: Once you’re done, take a step back and admire your masterpiece. Did you just unlock a new level of zen? Probably. Go ahead and give yourself a little Namaste because, guess what, you totally rocked this coloring thing.

Ready to Download and Start Your Weekend of Zen?

If you join MojoCollective Now!...we offer this to all members for free! Hit that download button, grab your favorite coloring tools, and let’s turn stress into something beautiful. Your crazy schedule isn’t going anywhere, but at least now, neither is your sanity. Remember, it is free for our members no matter which member level you pick!

Weekend Gratitude Coloring Booklet


Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and like a bag of jellybeans ready to burst? It’s time to turn all that tension into a colorful, creative escape with Mojo’s Gratitude Coloring Booklet. Whether your schedule feels like a chaotic jigsaw puzzle or your to-do list is stretching longer than your grocery receipt, this booklet is your weekend retreat. […]

Bonus Points: Tell Your Friends!

Because who doesn’t love a little art therapy? Share the fun, and maybe even host a virtual Gratitude Coloring Party! It’s like a book club, but with way more color. And zero homework.

Download the Gratitude Coloring Booklet now and join the fun! Your weekend zen starts here.

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